national delicacy


  • ID: 30154
  • Views: 8930
  • location
  • calendar
    Tour date
    Start date of the trip
    • 20/04/17
    • 20/12/17
Additional Information


 One day Tour

▪ Jvari - Georgian monastery and the temple of the VII century.
▪ Mtskheta - is a city in Georgia, founded in the V century B.C. Located by the confluence of the Aragvi river and Mtkvari. 
▪ Svetitskhoveli Cathedral - IV-XI century. The Temple of the Georgian Orthodox church in Mtskheta, which during the millennium, has been the main cathedral throughout in Georgia. 
▪ Samtavro monastery - IV - XVIII - A set of Samtavro-Complex Church and women's monastery St. Nino. Rest in the monastery of the Holy Father Gabriel.
▪ Shio-Mgvime monastery - VI century medieval religious architectural complex in Georgia, near the town of Mtskheta.

♦ Places to visit:

▪ Jvari
▪ Mtskheta
▪ Svetitskhoveli Cathedral
▪ Samtavro Monastery
▪ Shio-Mgvime Monastery
▪ Wine tasting

The tour includes
  • Meal Meal
  • Airtickets Airtickets
  • Transfer Transfer
  • Museum Tickets Museum Tickets
  • Guide service Guide service
  • Travel insurance Travel insurance
  • Concert tickets Concert tickets
  • Hand Luggage Hand Luggage
  • Checked-in Bag Checked-in Bag
  • სასტუმროში განთავსება სასტუმროში განთავსება
  • Location
  • Tour date
    Start date of the trip
    • 20/04/17
    • 20/12/17