national delicacy


  • ID: 33062
  • Views: 8202
  • location
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    Tour date
    Start date of the trip
    • 12/07/17
    • 19/05/18
Additional Information

???? 1th day

▪ Enguri dam is the largest power plant in the caucasus. Located on the inguri river. Built in the 1961-1978's.

▪ Patching up is the first community of so-called free (Freestyle) Svaneti, despite the fact that since 1921 the administrative centre svaneti, mestia relocated patching up historically always fulfilled the role of cultural and spiritual centre svaneti. Patching up is located 9 kilometers from mestia west, at an altitude of 1 300-1 500 meters above the sea level.

▪ St. George (Dzhgrag) is located at three hundred meters up the hill. In the front, under the canopy - stone terrain that seldom found in upper svaneti. Painting in this little church are amazing. Here you can see the most ancient in Georgian murals image "Christmas". it's on its composition is not repeated anywhere in the subsequent images of this film. All Saint s' halos this, White, grey and purple, that characterizes the Georgian monumental painting in general and for the first time this technique used both times in rospisyakh this little church. Eating leftovers and exterior painting is the composition of a lap deisusa and standing under it warriors.

▪ Chruch, (matskhvari matskhvarishi) in the village. Built on a hill, I passed along the main road. The building of the church is true for XI-XII centuries, but located on the four pillars tower dates from xvii - xviii for centuries. In the year 1142 matskhvari mapped mikaelom maglakelidze. In addition to traditional stories, the church can be seen interesting unique mural that shows accession to the throne, son of David the builder, King Demetrius I. Is this the only one to advance to the present day fresco, retained the image King Demetrius I and Damian, author of the famous spiritual the chorale "thou art true vine". in this church gathered a wealth of ancient icons and crosses. Among these, particular attention was paid to the unique, silver with enamel, Byzantine Type Cross Abbot, depicting the saints. Cathedral Basilica, standing

▪ Temple of Jonah, in the village of iyenashi. In a world of only two churches of this: one in Greece and one in svaneti. On the grounds of the church is now in the order in which will be continually osushchestvlyatsya convent activities. On October 5, the whole village celebrates the name for this feast day of saint and communities. This holiday is called lataloba (Ionaoba) and to him all are invited. Happens every year something interesting.

▪ Mestiya - the administrative centre of the upper svaneti, Urban Village from 1968 onwards. Is situated at the confluence of mestiachala mulakhura and at an altitude of 1500 M. From Sea Level, is tucked in length, nearly 6 kilometres. Mestiya Surround: South side - ridge zuruldi, with north is mount tskhakvzagari, with eastern - massif banguriani, and on the west side has stunning views over the top Laila.

Mestia earlier was the same way the village community as lendzheri or mulakhi and consisted of centre - network, where else in pagan times was a shrine. This is a sacred place was located where it is now the central square of the city. Clustered around the net three villages: Lagami, lanchvali and lekhtagi. They vydelyayutʹsya and now thanks to their towers. There's also survived a lot of old houses and churches. After conversion mestia the village there are new areas of the village.

Sightseeing Mestia: Historical Village, lagami lanchvali and lekhtagi, museum of history and ethnography starinyy svan residential complex family margiani, Maison de climber Mikhail Khergiani. From churches in mestia most notable church of the transfiguration ix century lagami area.

In Mestia several sources with mineral water. One is located right in the middle, the other three are on the river bank malakhuri. Near Mestia at the distance of 7 km located a new ski resort khatsvali. They are giving to rent equipment and working Western Alpine Diner. From downtown mestia before khatsvali built modern concrete road.

▪ Khatsvali - one of the new ski resorts in Georgia, which is located in svaneti, 6 kilometers from s mestiya on zuruldi. Winter is here we can ski, and summer going up on the cable car to the top of the ridge, where is the cafe zuruldi khatsvali ". now a major tourist attraction mestia and partly the entire svaneti.

???? 2nd day

▪ Ushguli - this is the highest continuously inhabited community in Europe. It is located at an altitude of 2 to 200 metres in the far east svaneti.

▪ Tower of love

▪ Ethnographic museum ushguli is a private museum in a private home of the xvi century. It gathers household items of the era of private meetings.

▪ Upper Chazhashskiy Castle is a castle on the mountain above svanskoy community ushguli directly over the village of chazhashi. Sometimes it's the name of the castle or Tamara Ushgulʹskim Castle. There is also a lower chazhashskiy castle in llandaff village chazhashi, from which the tower was left alone. Top lock interesting not so much as fortification, how many like an observation deck and a reason to climb this mountain. History of the castle's practically no - one mythology. It is believed that his built queen Tamara, where I got in this place was the summer residence. This version is not entirely - castle very modest size and not like the imperial residence, even assuming that disappeared a lot since then. However, one can assume that Tamara really come out here and lived simultaneously in two castles is lower and upper.

▪ Nizhnyy Chazhashskiy Castle - residence of Queen Tamara

▪ Lamariya Temple is the mural is further away, outside the village. He is near the wall and built the tower, so all together like a castle. But in fact it is a monastery.

▪ St. Kvirike and st. Ivlity

???? 3rd day

▪ Muzeum climber, avtandil margiani

▪ Muzeum Climber Mikhail Khergiani

▪ Museum svaneti is handsome, remodeled, well-Designed Museum, archaeological items icons and something from the ethnography. Gives a pretty sweet neanderthals are treated on the standard of living and thinking svanov in x - xiii centuries. The Museum was founded in 1936 and has accumulated 4 000 specimens, which is kind of Georgian concepts, but exhibits these typically elevated raritetnosti is objects svanskogo welfare church age from the tenth century. Now, the museum is located in the new building and took two floors. The main exhibit on the second floor, where the rooms are located ring. On the first floor there is another house, where they gathered ethnography. Second floor exhibit begins with archaeology - these are from the bronze age (stone not spotted), including the very famous kolkhidskiye axes. Immediately ceramics, Bronze Daggers, arrowheads, knives, Railways, and so on. Because it reminds many other Georgian museums. But then comes the exposition paraphernalia - icons and different objects.


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The tour includes
  • Meal Meal
  • Airtickets Airtickets
  • Transfer Transfer
  • Museum Tickets Museum Tickets
  • Guide service Guide service
  • Travel insurance Travel insurance
  • Concert tickets Concert tickets
  • Hand Luggage Hand Luggage
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  • სასტუმროში განთავსება სასტუმროში განთავსება
  • Location
  • Tour date
    Start date of the trip
    • 12/07/17
    • 19/05/18
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