national delicacy

Island Crete / Greece - Early Booking!!!

  • ID: 48802
  • Views: 4358
  • location
  • calendar
    Tour date
    Start date of the trip
    • 20/06/19
    • 01/07/19
Additional Information

ⒽEleni Palace Apartments BB – 1280 GEL
ⒽNikos Hotel 2* BB – 1300 GEL
ⒽMarel Studios Apartments RO – 1315 GEL
ⒽMichele Marie Apartment Hotel RO – 1335 GEL
ⒽMaria Apartments RO – 1350 GEL
ⒽBlue Island Hotel 2*+ BB – 1350 GEL
ⒽMarirena Hotel 3* BB – 1370 GEL
ⒽCreta Mar-Gio Apartments RO – 1370 GEL
ⒽTriton Hotel 2*+ BB – 1380 GEL
ⒽAntinoos Hotel 2* BB – 1380 GEL
ⒽFotula Apartments RO – 1385 GEL
ⒽHermes Hotel Malia 3* BB – 1385 GEL
ⒽPerla Hotel-Apartments 3* RO - 1385 GEL
ⒽBlue Sky Apartments RO – 1420 GEL
ⒽZantina Hotel 2* BB – 1445 GEL
ⒽIro Hotel 2* BB – 1455 GEL
ⒽStork Hotel 3* BB – 1545 GEL
ⒽHersonissos Central Hotel 3* BB – 1565 GEL
ⒽCreta Suites 4* BB – 1635 GEL

The tour includes
  • Meal Meal
  • Airtickets Airtickets
  • Transfer Transfer
  • Museum Tickets Museum Tickets
  • Guide service Guide service
  • Travel insurance Travel insurance
  • Concert tickets Concert tickets
  • Hand Luggage Hand Luggage
  • Checked-in Bag Checked-in Bag
  • სასტუმროში განთავსება სასტუმროში განთავსება
  • Location
  • Tour date
    Start date of the trip
    • 20/06/19
    • 01/07/19
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